Show Stopping Bathrooms!

Did you realise that bathrooms are big business?   There are many shows, exhibitions and conferences related to bathrooms!  I’m sure you’ve heard of the annual Ideal Home Show in Olympia, London – but you may not be aware that there is a massive Kitchen and Bath Industry Show (KBIS) every year in Las Vegas.  The next one takes place in January 2015 and will feature hundreds of exhibitors and also a conference with over 90 “Voices from the Industry” speakers on different aspects of design.

Not Too Hot – Not Too Cold – Just Right!

There is also a competition during the show called “Best of KBIS”.   Professional judges select what they think are the best new products from the show.  Delegates are also given the opportunity to vote for their favourite products – via a mobile app – for the People’s Choice Awards.  Last year’s Best of KBIS Gold winner in the bathroom category was a digital temperature display for bath water.  This is an excellent idea,  making it easy to set and achieve the bath temperature you want.   We’re delighted to have a similar feature in some of the products in Stone and Chrome’s gallery!   For example our Project Ten bathroom features a whirlpool bath with the LUX remote bath filling system, enabling you to select the temperature of your bath rather than use trial and error.  You can be sure of achieving the ideal temperature you want for that relaxing bath you deserve!

Bathing in Luxury

Another project of which we are understandably proud is Project Seven in the gallery.  This project also features a whirlpool bath with integrated filling system,  this time the Kaldewei Conoduo steel bath with 16 jet whirlpool system – pictured below.

Screen Shot 2014-09-18 at 07.18.50An additional feature of this bath is LED chromatherapy lighting which enables you to bathe in soft coloured lighting of your choice,  to ensure a perfect ambience.  The bathroom in which this bath was installed also featured some additional luxuries!  On the wall as you can see is an inbuilt television.  We can supply a range of audio visual equipment,  all safe for use in bathrooms.   So for those who like to relax by watching a film or your favourite TV series,  or listening to the music you love,  everything is possible!


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On the image on the right you can also see another special finishing touch in this bathroom:  a wall-mounted champagne bucket!  No detail is too small in a Stone and Chrome bathroom 🙂  What better way to relax and unwind and enjoy some well-deserved “me-time” at the end of a long tiring day?


Steam Your Cares Away

Also visible in the image is the amazing walk-in shower in this bathroom.   Walk-in showers are increasingly popular in these busy times.  We supply a wide range of walk-in showers including steam showers as used here.   You can read more about steam showers in an earlier blog on the subject. They provide a stimulating shower leaving you feeling refreshed and invigorated in minutes.   The walk-in shower shown here in Project Seven is also complemented by a seating area and arched window.  This gives a wonderful combination of light and space,  to further enhance your showering experience.

However great or small your bathroom aspirations,  Stone and Chrome can help them to become a reality.  Contact us today for further details of any of the above products or to discuss your own requirements in more detail.

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