Becky Hinshelwood

How important is visiting a bathroom showroom when you refit your bathroom?

Refitting a bathroom is one of the most exciting (and sometimes challenging) home improvement projects you can take on. Getting your bathroom right for your tastes and lifestyle is something that benefits your daily life for many years to come. This can make it all feel a bit daunting, and so it makes sense to

How important is visiting a bathroom showroom when you refit your bathroom? Read More »

What’s the difference between a bespoke bathroom and a standard bathroom?

It’s clearly obvious that a standard bathroom is made up of pre-existing units and a bespoke bathroom is crafted to fit a space exactly. However, when we distinguish between these two ways of designing a bathroom, there’s actually lots more to consider. What benefits does a bespoke bathroom bring? How can we address challenges? And

What’s the difference between a bespoke bathroom and a standard bathroom? Read More »

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