Spring is here! Now we have the lighter nights and milder temperatures there are no excuses: it’s time to get your house in order.
When you think about it, the concept of spring cleaning is rather illogical. Many of us don’t really feel like going anywhere much over winter. We go to work in the dark and come home in the dark and then can’t face going out again. You would think that those long dark months are the ideal opportunity to get things done around the house but most of us just feel like hibernating.
So now as the sun begins to shine it highlights all the dust and clutter and streaky windows: everything that we have rather neglected during the winter months. So it’s time to spring forward into action and get things sorted.
But of course you want to get out and about as well. Yes things need doing at home, but the milder weather is beckoning and you want to get out in the fresh air for days out or exercising or pub lunches with family and friends. Just living!
Five steps to a clean home
So here is our quick guide to spring cleaning in a weekend. Devote just one weekend to sorting your house out then you are free to enjoy the rest of spring without feeling guilty!
Here are the five steps to take:
Declutter in a day
Here’s the trick: don’t spend more time on this than you need to. For every pile of “stuff” and every overfilled cupboard or drawer there are three main categories: keep / throw away / pass on. Act fast: only put back the stuff you are definitely going to keep. The store them neatly where they can be easily accessed when needed.
Get rid of the “throw away” items immediately – into the bin or off to the tip – and take the “pass on” items to a charity shop unless there is a home collection next week.
If there are any items you are really unsure about then put them into a black bag to be reviewed in a month or so – but put a reminder in your phone to do this otherwise you will forget!
Bust the dust
Now there is clear space do a one stop dust, polish and vacuum Every surface of every room from the top of the house downwards. Start by vacuuming the ceiling, light fittings, walls, doors, curtains and blinds. Then dust and polish all horizontal surfaces. End by hoovering the skirting boards then every inch of floor space. Wooden floors can then be cleaned with a specialist cleaner or steam cleaner.
Shine on
Get your house sparkling by cleaning all windows, glass and mirrors with either a bespoke cleaner or the old-fashioned method that many swear by – a combination of white vinegar and water applied with either newspaper or a cloth. Gleaming glass really brightens up your home.
Knockout kitchens
For most of us, the kitchen is the heart of the home. Which also means it’s the place that tends to look the most lived-in – not always in a very good way! So now is the chance to bring it back to life.
Again, start top down with the tops of units and appliances, then clean the doors of all your high kitchen cabinets. Take a break to clean each appliance, including descaling where necessary. Then completely clear every surface and give it a thorough clean. Move onto lower kitchen cabinets and end up with your sink and floor.
If during this process you realise that your kitchen is beginning to look rather tired, then perhaps 2019 is the time to start thinking about a new kitchen? In which case you’ll be delighted to hear that Stone and Chrome are now offering kitchen design, supply and installation. See the image below for an example of what to expect!
Beautify your bathroom
Last but by no means least, clean all bathrooms from top to bottom. Remove everything from the bathroom then vacuum all walls and the floor then clean all surfaces and bathroom fittings thoroughly. Your bathroom will soon be looking its best again.
But if you realise that, despite your best efforts, your bathroom is letting the side then why not take a browse through our gallery of bathroom images to see how beautiful a Stone and Chrome bathroom could look in your home?
Come and see us!
So if you devote a weekend to the above five steps then your home will soon be back in shape, ready for spring. But if your thoughts are heading towards a new kitchen or bathroom this year then why not come and see us at Stone and Chrome. A visit to our Camberley showroom will help you visualise how a new kitchen or bathroom from Stone and Chrome could transform your home in 2019 – not just for spring but all year through.